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Toggle Logger

The toggle_logger() function in the reportifyr package adjusts the global logging level for the package.


R: Updates the logging level for functions. Default is set to...
toggle_loggerR Documentation


Updates the logging level for functions. Default is set to WARN




## Not run: 
Sys.setenv("RPFY_VERBOSE" = "DEBUG")

## End(Not run)


A log4r logger object is assigned to the .le environment at .le$logger.

Assigned Logging Levels

The following logging levels are assigned and used throughout the reportifyr package:

  • DEBUG: Most verbose level, including detailed workflow progress prompts.

  • INFO: General workflow progress prompts.

  • WARN: Default, displays potential issues and warnings.

  • ERROR: Reports events that cause the function to fail.

There is an additional logging level, FATAL, that is not currently used.

Additional Resources

  • reportifyr GitHub: Refer to the reportifyr repository for more details.
  • log4r Reference Manual: Refer to the log4r reference manual for specific inquiries related to log4r.