reportifyr New User Guide
Welcome to the reportifyr
New User Guide!
Getting Started with reportifyr
Are you ready to write your first report draft with reportifyr
Please follow this step-by-step guide to get started:
Step 1
Run the following to load reportifyr
Step 2
Next, initialize a report project at the project root directory by running:
initialize_report_project(project_dir = here::here())
Step 3
Run the following to retrieve meta_abbrevs
and meta_type
parameters to standardize
meta_abbrevs <- get_meta_abbrevs(path_to_footnotes_yaml = here::here("report", "standard_footnotes.yaml"))meta_type <- get_meta_type(path_to_footnotes_yaml = here::here("report", "standard_footnotes.yaml"))
Step 4
We can now run the following to generate a pharmacokinetic parameter summary table
and a linear regression of area under the concentration-time curve (AUC
) vs.
subject weight:
data <- Theoph
calc_auc_linear_log <- function(time, conc) { auc <- 0
cmax_index <- which.max(conc)
for (i in 1:(length(time) - 1)) { delta_t <- time[i + 1] - time[i]
if (i < cmax_index) {
auc <- auc + delta_t * (conc[i + 1] + conc[i]) / 2 } else if (i >= cmax_index && conc[i + 1] > 0 && conc[i] > 0) {
auc <- auc + delta_t * (conc[i] - conc[i + 1]) / log(conc[i] / conc[i + 1]) } else {
auc <- auc + delta_t * (conc[i + 1] + conc[i]) / 2 } }
pk_params <- data %>% mutate(Subject = as.numeric(Subject)) %>% group_by(Subject) %>% summarise( cmax = max(conc, na.rm = TRUE), tmax = Time[which.max(conc)], auc = calc_auc_linear_log(Time, conc), wt = Wt %>% unique() )
lr <- pk_params %>% ggplot(aes(x = wt, y = auc)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ x, se = TRUE, color = "blue") + theme_bw() + labs(x = "Subject weight (kg)", y = "AUC (hr*mg/L)")
Step 5
Now run the following to save the table and plot to .csv
and .png
, respectively:
tables_path <- here::here("OUTPUTS", "tables")outfile_name <- "theoph-pk-parameters.csv"
write_csv_with_metadata( object = pk_params, file = file.path(tables_path, outfile_name), meta_abbrevs = c(meta_abbrevs$AUC), row.names = FALSE)
figures_path <- here::here("OUTPUTS", "figures")plot_file_name <- "theoph-pk-exposure.png"
ggsave_with_metadata( filename = file.path(figures_path, plot_file_name), meta_abbrevs = c(meta_abbrevs$AUC), meta_type = meta_type$`linear-regression-plot`, plot = lr, height = 4, width = 6)
Step 6
Ensure that initial document requirements are satisified before uploading to the appropriate directory:
- each figure or table (artifact) has a caption
- each caption is accompanied by a
magic string
As depicted here:
Step 7
Run the following to build a report:
docx_in <- here::here("report", "shell", "template.docx")docx_out <- here::here("report", "draft", "template-draft.docx")tables_path <- here::here("OUTPUTS", "tables")figures_path <- here::here("OUTPUTS", "figures")standard_footnotes_yaml <- here::here("report", "standard_footnotes.yaml")
build_report( docx_in = docx_in, docx_out = docx_out, figures_path = figures_path, tables_path = tables_path, standard_footnotes_yaml = standard_footnotes_yaml)
Step 8
Lastly, run the following to finalize the document:
finalize_document( docx_in = here::here("report", "draft", "template-draft.docx"), docx_out = here::here("report", "final", "template-final.docx"))
An important note, this step-by-step guide is an abbreviated form of the guides on Initializing Reportifyr, Performing Analyses, and Drafting Reports.