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Initializing reportifyr

Loading reportifyr

On first interaction, reportifyr loads with a message specifying options for Python setup. These options may be altered to designate where the Python virtual environment (.venv) is created and which versions of Python, python-docx, and PyYAML are used. Or in most cases, these options may be left unset and default values will be used.

── Needed reportifyr options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
options('venv_dir') is not set. venv will be created in Project root
ℹ Please set all options for package to work.
── Optional version options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
options('uv.version') is not set. Default is 0.5.1
options('python.version') is not set. Default is system version
options('python-docx.version') is not set. Default is 1.1.2
options('pyyaml.version') is not set. Default is 6.0.2

Initializing A New Report Project

The first step in initializing reportifyr is to call the initialize_report_project() function. This function performs several tasks - it creates all needed subdirectories for saving output figures and tables (artifacts), establishes the report subdirectory, and copies a standard_footnotes.yaml file into the report subdirectory that can be used to save standardized footnote definitions. Additionally, it configures the required Python dependencies within a .venv subdirectory to ensure the Python components of the reportifyr package function correctly.

A directory must be specified in the initialize_report_project() function (typically the project root directory) where reportifyr will search for certain subdirectories. If these subdirectories are not found, the initialize_report_project() function will create them automatically:

initialize_report_project(project_dir = here::here())

Initializing Multiple Reports

If you wish to create a nested directory structure (for multiple reports per project directory), please set the venv_dir to an appropriate path/to/dir using options() and then provide the same path/to/dir as the project_dir for initialize_report_project():

options("venv_dir" = here::here("path/to/dir"))
initialize_report_project(project_dir = here::here("path/to/dir"))