The build_report() function in the reportifyr package is a wrapper around several reportifyr functions. It parses a Microsoft Word document (.docx file) for predefined magic strings, removes any existing reportifyr tables, figures and footnotes, and inserts up-to-date versions of the tables, figures, and footnotes from file.
R: Updates a Microsoft Word file to include formatted plots,...
R Documentation
Reads in a .docx file and returns a new version with plots, tables, and footnotes replaced.
The file path to the output .docx file to save to. Default is NULL.
The file path to the figures and associated metadata directory.
The file path to the tables and associated metadata directory.
The file path to the standard_footnotes.yaml. Default is NULL. If NULL, a default standard_footnotes.yaml bundled with the reportifyr package is used.
A boolean indicating whether to insert footnotes into the docx_in or not. Default is TRUE.
A boolean indicating whether to include the file path of the figure or table in the footnotes. Default is FALSE.
A boolean indicating whether to stop execution if the metadata .json file for a figure or table is missing. Default is TRUE.
## Not run:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load all dependencies
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
docx_in <- here::here("report", "shell", "template.docx")
doc_dirs <- make_doc_dirs(docx_in = docx_in)
figures_path <- here::here("OUTPUTS", "figures")
tables_path <- here::here("OUTPUTS", "tables")
standard_footnotes_yaml <- here::here("report", "standard_footnotes.yaml")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 1.
# Run the `build_report()` wrapper function to replace figures, tables, and
# footnotes in a `.docx` file.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
docx_in = doc_dirs$doc_in,
docx_out = doc_dirs$doc_draft,
figures_path = figures_path,
tables_path = tables_path,
standard_footnotes_yaml = standard_footnotes_yaml
## End(Not run)
Updated Document: A new .docx file with up-to-date tables, figures, and footnotes inserted at the appropriate positions.
Time taken by the function:
0.715 sec elapsed
0.115 sec elapsed
0.275 sec elapsed
Debug: Logs the start and end of the function.
Info: Logs docx_out validation and migration of intermediate documents to the intermediate_files directory.
Error: Logs errors for missing docx_in, if docx_in and docx_out are the same file, issues with docx_in and/or docx_out file extensions, and any errors returned from add_footnotes().
Additional Resources
reportifyr GitHub: Refer to the reportifyrrepository for more details.
Add Footnotes Reference: Refer to the reference on add_footnotes()here.
Add Plots Reference: Refer to the reference on add_plots()here.
Add Tables Reference: Refer to the reference on add_tables()here.
Make Doc Dirs Reference: Refer to the reference on make_doc_dirs()here.
Remove Tables, Figures, and Footnotes Reference: Refer to the reference on remove_tables_figures_footnotes()here.