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A Streamlined Workflow

Initial Report Requirements

As with Drafting Reports, there is an initial set of requirements that the Microsoft Word document (report) must satisfy.

The report must contain:

  • figure or table (artifact) captions
  • reportifyr magic strings

Like so:

Streamlined Report Building

reportifyr also offers a wrapper function to streamline and ease report generation and report updating. The Drafting Reports process gives you sequential control of adding tables, plots, and footnotes in a step-wise process. However, if this is not necessary, you can call build_report() to perform all of those actions at once:

docx_shell <- here::here("report", "shell", "template.docx")
doc_dirs <- make_doc_dirs(docx_in = docx_shell)
figures_path <- here::here("OUTPUTS", "figures")
tables_path <- here::here("OUTPUTS", "tables")
standard_footnotes_yaml <- here::here("report", "standard_footnotes.yaml")
docx_in = doc_dirs$doc_in,
docx_out = doc_dirs$doc_draft,
figures_path = figures_path,
tables_path = tables_path,
standard_footnotes_yaml = standard_footnotes_yaml,
add_footnotes = TRUE,
include_object_path = FALSE,
footnotes_fail_on_missing_metadata = TRUE

An importante note, if your report already includes artifacts and footnotes added by reportifyr, this wrapper function will remove them first to prevent duplication.

The build_report() function produces the same reportifyr draft as Drafting Reports, but with only a single function call:

Finalizing a Report

After that, we can remove the magic strings and bookmarks with the same finalize_document() function:

docx_in = doc_dirs$doc_draft,
docx_out = doc_dirs$doc_final

Thus streamlining the report drafting process to two function calls!