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Write Object Metadata

The write_object_metadata() function in the reportifyr package generates metadata for a specified object_file and writes it to a .json file. The metadata includes system information, file details, and standardized footnotes (equations [meta_equations], notes [meta_notes], and abbreviations [meta_abbrevs]).


R: Writes an object's metadata .json file
write_object_metadataR Documentation


Writes an object's metadata .json file


  meta_type = NULL,
  meta_equations = NULL,
  meta_notes = NULL,
  meta_abbrevs = NULL,
  table1_format = FALSE



The file path of the object to write metadata for.


A string to specify the type of object. Default is "NA".


A string or vector of strings representing equations to include in the metadata. Default is NULL.


A string or vector of strings representing notes to include in the metadata. Default is NULL.


A string or vector of strings representing abbreviations to include in the metadata. Default is NULL.


A boolean indicating whether table1 formatting is used for add_tables(). Default is FALSE.


## Not run: 
figures_path <- here::here("OUTPUTS", "figures")
plot_file_name <- "01-12345-pk-timecourse1.png"

write_object_metadata(object_file = file.path(figures_path, plot_file_name))

## End(Not run)


  • Metadata File: A metadata .json file created alongside the object_file, containing the following information:
  1. System Metadata (system_meta)
    • platform: The operating system platform (e.g., x86_64-pc-linux-gnu).
    • software:
      • version: The version of R used to generate the metadata.
      • packages_used: A list of R packages utilized during the session.
  2. Source Metadata (source_meta)
    • creation_author: The name of the author who created the source file (from Git history).
    • latest_author: The name of the most recent author who modified the source file (from Git history).
    • path: The absolute path to the source file.
    • creation_time: The timestamp when the source file was created (from Git history).
    • latest_time: The timestamp of the most recent modification to the source file (from Git history).
  3. Object Metadata (object_meta)
    • author: The name of the user generating the metadata (from Git configuration).
    • path: The file path of the object.
    • creation_time: The timestamp when the metadata was created.
    • file_type: The file type/extension of the object (e.g., .csv, .png, etc.).
    • meta_type: A string to specify the type of analysis.
    • hash: A unique hash of the object file, generated using the blake3 algorithm.
    • table1: Boolean indicating whether table1 formatting is used for add_tables().
    • footnotes:
      • equations: Supplementary equations related to the object.
      • notes: Supplementary notes related to the object.
      • abbreviations: Supplementary abbreviations related to the object.


  • Debug: Logs the start and end of the function, metadata assembly, JSON conversion, and file-writing process.
  • Info: Logs successful validation of the object_file, detection of the source file path, and metadata details such as system and git information.
  • Error: Logs errors for missing object_file, issues with detecting the source file path, or any unexpected exceptions during the metadata writing process.

Additional Resources

  • reportifyr GitHub: Refer to the reportifyr repository for more details.
  • JSON Documentation: Learn more about JSON structure and syntax here.
  • Get Meta Abbreviations Reference: Refer to the reference on get_meta_abbrevs() here.
  • Get Meta Type Reference: Refer to the reference on get_meta_type() here.
  • Add Tables Reference: Refer to the reference on add_tables() here.