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Intro to reportifyr

As reportifyr is in active, early-stage development, be sure to visit our GitHub page frequently to stay up-to-date with the latest features and releases.

What is reportifyr?

reportifyr is a new package in the R ecosystem designed to simplify the creation of traceable and consistent Microsoft Word documents (reports).

How does reportifyr work?

reportifyr currently operates across two key stages in the reporting process:

  1. Performing Analyses - Perform an analysis and use reportifyr to save artifacts for report drafting.
  2. Drafting Reports - Draft a report and use reportifyr to insert artifacts and footnotes.

In addition to the two process guides, reportifyr currently offers a few more guides to help users:

  1. Initializing Reportifyr - Configure and setup reportifyr.
  2. A Streamlined Workflow - Build a report with two quick reportifyr functions.
  3. Updating Reports - Update a report’s artifacts with reportifyr.
  4. Elective Footnotes - Learn how to include or exclude footnotes with reportifyr.

Why use reportifyr?

reportifyr transforms conventional drafting processes into a swift, reproducible workflow, drastically reducing the time to completion and the overall quality assurance burden.

Using reportifyr

Head over to the new user guide for your first time use of reportifyr or check out our function-specific references for detailed insights and advanced tips:


  1. Initialize Python - Reference for using the initialize_python() function to create a Python virtual environment.
  2. Initialize Report Project - Reference for using the initialize_report_project() function to create a project directory structure for reports.


  1. Format Flextable - Reference for using the format_flextable() function to style data frames or flextable objects.
  2. ggsave with Metadata - Reference for using the ggsave_with_metadata() function to save plots and capture metadata.
  3. Save RDS with Metadata - Reference for using the save_rds_with_metadata() function to save R objects and capture metadata.
  4. Write CSV with Metadata - Reference for using the write_csv_with_metadata() function to save data objects and capture metadata.


  1. Get Meta Abbreviations - Reference for using the get_meta_abbrevs() function to standardize artifact footnotes.
  2. Get Meta Type - Reference for using the get_meta_type() function to standardize artifact footnotes.
  3. Preview Metadata - Reference for using the preview_metadata() function to preview metadata for a specific file.
  4. Preview Metadata Files - Reference for using the preview_metadata_files() function to preview metadata .json files in a directory.
  5. Update Object Footnotes - Reference for using the update_object_footnotes() function to modify or add footnote metadata for an object.
  6. Write Object Metadata - Reference for using the write_object_metadata() function to generate metadata for an object and save it as a .json file.

Document Interacting

  1. Add Footnotes - Reference for using the add_footnotes() function to insert footnotes into a Microsoft Word document.
  2. Add Plots - Reference for using the add_plots() function to insert figures into a Microsoft Word document.
  3. Add Tables - Reference for using the add_tables() function to insert tables into a Microsoft Word document.
  4. Remove Tables, Figures, and Footnotes - Reference for using the remove_tables_figures_footnotes() function to remove tables, figures, and footnotes from a Microsoft Word document.

Report Building

  1. Build Report - Reference for using the build_report() function to build or update a Microsoft Word document.
  2. Finalize Document - Reference for using the finalize_document() function to finalize a Microsoft Word document.


  1. Make Document Directories - Reference for using the make_doc_dirs() function to define paths for intermediate and final Microsoft Word documents.
  2. Validate Object - Reference for using the validate_object() function to define paths for intermediate and final Microsoft Word documents.
  3. Toggle Logger - Reference for using the toggle_logger() function to set the logging level.