Creates a default watcher configuration file
Creates a default watcher configuration file
model_number = NULL,
files_to_track = NULL,
tmp_dir = NULL,
watched_dir = file.path("model", "nonmem"),
output_dir = file.path(watched_dir, "in_progress"),
poll_duration = NULL,
level = NULL,
threads = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE,
bbi_config_path = NULL,
alerter_opts = list()
- .mod
a bbi nonmem model object
- model_number
a string of model number e.g. 101a15. Default is pulled from .mod
- files_to_track
a vector of file extensions. If left blank, nmm will use .ext, .lst. and .grd.
- tmp_dir
a temporary directory location to run nonmem. If left blank nmm will use /tmp
- watched_dir
the directory where nonmem will output. Default is here::here()/model/nonmem
- output_dir
the directory where watcher will place log and any output files default is here::here()/model/nonmem/in_progress
- poll_duration
the amount of time in seconds between the watchers polling. If left blank, nmm will use 1 second
- level
What level to log at. Available options are Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Fatal if left blank, nmm will use Info
- threads
number of threads if running a parallel job. If left blank nmm will use 1
- overwrite
bool whether to overwrite existing run.
- bbi_config_path
the path to bbi.yaml file
- alerter_opts
a list for setting up an alerter fields needed are alerter, command, message_flag, use_stdout, args (list of additional args to be passed to alerter)