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Initializing reportifyr

#> ── Needed reportifyr options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  options('venv_dir') is not set. venv will be created in Project root
#>  Please set all options for package to work.
#> ── Optional version options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  options('uv.version') is not set. Default is 0.5.1
#>  options('python.version') is not set. Default is system version
#>  options('python-docx.version') is not set. Default is 1.1.2
#>  options('pyyaml.version') is not set. Default is 6.0.2

options("venv_dir" = file.path(here::here(), "vignettes"))
initialize_report_project(file.path(here::here(), "vignettes"))
#> Creating python virtual environment with the following settings:
#>      venv_dir: /home/runner/work/reportifyr/reportifyr/vignettes
#>  python-docx.version: 1.1.2
#>  pyyaml.version: 6.0.2
#>  uv.version: 0.5.1
#>  python.version: 3.10.12
#> Copied standard_footnotes.yaml into /home/runner/work/reportifyr/reportifyr/vignettes/report

If you’d like more detail on the initialization of reportifyr, please see the vignette on initializing reportifyr.

Generating a figure for use with reportifyr

Let’s first create a concentration-time plot of the Theophylline dataset:


data <- Theoph
p <- ggplot(data, aes(x = Time, y = conc, group = Subject)) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_line() +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Time (hr)", y = "Theophylline concentration (mg/L)")


Saving the figure and creating metadata

If we want to include this plot into the report we’ll need to save this figure to the ‘OUTPUTS/figures’ directory. There are two separate processes to accomplish this - the easiest way is to call the wrapper function ggsave_with_metadata:

figures_path <- file.path(here::here(), "vignettes", "OUTPUTS", "figures")
plot_file_name <- "theoph-pk-plot.png"

  filename = file.path(figures_path, plot_file_name), 
  plot = p,
  width = 6,
  height = 4

Alternatively you could call ggplot2::ggsave and then call write_object_metadata:

ggplot2::ggsave(filename = file.path(figures_path, plot_file_name), 
                plot = p, 
                width = 6,
                heigh = 4)
write_object_metadata(object_file = file.path(figures_path, plot_file_name))

Both processes give the same final result, however, severing the tie between saving an object and writing its metadata may lead to the these objects becoming out of sync.

This brings us to metadata. reportifyr uses metadata to create a record of the object being inserted into the word document to aid in reproducibility.

reportifyr also uses a meta_type parameter to inject standard footnotes into the word document (more on that in the vignette on integrating reportifyr into report writing). We can use the function get_meta_type to see what figure and/or table meta types are currently saved in the standard_footnotes.yaml within the ‘report’ directory upon initialization. We just need to provide the path to the standard_footnotes.yaml we want to pull meta_types from.

meta_types = get_meta_type(file.path(here::here(), "vignettes", "report", "standard_footnotes.yaml"))
#>  [1] "logistic_plot"          "boxplot"                "TTE_plot"              
#>  [4] "correlation_plot"       "GOF_plot"               "ETA_histogram"         
#>  [7] "VPC"                    "kaplan-meier-plot"      "conc-time-trajectories"
#> [10] "linear-regression-plot" "probit-regression-plot" "univariate"            
#> [13] "final"                  "full"                   "alternative"           
#> [16] "univariate_TTE"         "final_TTE"              "full_TTE"              
#> [19] "alternative_TTE"        "ER_summary"             "covariate_descriptive" 
#> [22] "frequency"              "probit-regression-fit"  "linear-regression-fit" 
#> [25] "cox-regression-fit"

Now, let’s re-save the plot object with the conc-time-trajectories meta_type:

figures_path <- file.path(here::here(), "vignettes", "OUTPUTS", "figures")
meta_plot_file_name <- "theoph-pk-plot-mt.png"

  filename = file.path(figures_path, meta_plot_file_name), 
  meta_type = meta_types$`conc-time-trajectories`,
  width = 6,
  height = 4

Using meta_types also allows for tab-completion to help you get the meta_type correct! Let’s use the preview_metadata_files to see the difference when using a meta type:

metadata <- preview_metadata_files(file_dir = figures_path)
name meta_type equations notes abbreviations
theoph-pk-plot.png N/A N/A N/A N/A
theoph-pk-plot-mt.png conc-time-trajectories N/A N/A N/A

There is also the get_meta_abbrevs function to see standard abbreviations that can be added:

meta_abbrevs <- get_meta_abbrevs(
  file.path(here::here(), "vignettes", "report", "standard_footnotes.yaml")
#>  [1] "AUC"       "AGEBL"     "ALBBL"     "ALTBL"     "ASTBL"     "B2MBL"    
#>  [7] "BSABL"     "BSTGBGE2"  "BSTGEQ3"   "CADC_21D"  "CADC_28D"  "CADC_42D" 
#> [13] "CADC_56D"  "CATABL"    "CAVGA_21D" "CAVGA_28D" "CAVGA_42D" "CAVGA_56D"
#> [19] "CAVGM_21D" "CAVGM_28D" "CMAXA"     "CMAXM"     "CNCEURO"   "CRPBL"    
#> [31] "HSDRYEYE"  "HSIOSURG"  "IBMIBL"    "IGGBL"     "IGGFLG"    "KERABL"   
#> [37] "LDHBL"     "LENSTABL"  "MEDFL"     "MMIGTY"    "MMLCTY"    "MMTY"     
#> [43] "MPROTBL"   "PCD38"     "PRXGT3"    "PRXGT4"    "RACEBFLG"  "RACEWFLG" 
#> [49] "RENALFCH"  "SBCMABL"   "SCH"       "SCHCH"     "SEXN"      "SPLITB"   
#> [55] "STAGEBL"   "STRETCHB"  "TBILBL"    "WTBL"

Let’s perform a simple analysis computing subject level pharmacokinetic parameters and then study level statistics of the data set to generate an additional plot. We’ll compute maximum drug concentration (Cmax), time to peak drug concentration (Tmax), and area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) for the Theophylline data set before performing a linear regression between weight and AUC.

calc_auc_linear_log <- function(time, conc) {
  auc <- 0
  cmax_index <- which.max(conc)
  for (i in 1:(length(time) - 1)) {
    delta_t <- time[i + 1] - time[i]
    if (i < cmax_index) {
      auc <- auc + delta_t * (conc[i + 1] + conc[i]) / 2
    } else if (i >= cmax_index && conc[i + 1] > 0 && conc[i] > 0) {
      auc <- auc + delta_t * (conc[i] - conc[i + 1]) / log(conc[i] / conc[i + 1])
    } else {
      auc <- auc + delta_t * (conc[i + 1] + conc[i]) / 2

pk_params <- data %>%
  mutate(Subject = as.numeric(Subject)) %>% 
  group_by(Subject) %>%
    cmax = max(conc, na.rm = TRUE), 
    tmax = Time[which.max(conc)], 
    auc = calc_auc_linear_log(Time, conc),
    wt = Wt %>% unique()

Subject cmax tmax auc wt
1 6.44 1.15 71.69701 80.0
2 7.09 3.48 87.96923 64.6
3 7.56 2.02 86.80656 70.5
4 8.00 0.98 77.89347 65.0
5 8.20 1.02 95.87820 70.5
6 8.33 1.92 88.73128 72.4
7 8.60 1.07 102.63362 72.7
8 9.03 0.63 83.93743 86.4
9 9.75 3.52 115.22021 60.5
10 10.21 3.55 135.57607 58.2
11 10.50 1.12 147.23475 79.6
12 11.40 1.00 118.17935 54.6
lr <- pk_params %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = wt, y = auc)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ x, se = TRUE, color = "blue") +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Subject weight (kg)", y = "AUC (hr mg/L)")


Let’s save this plot with the logistic-regression-plot meta type:

plot_file_name <- "theoph-pk-exposure.png"
ggsave_with_metadata(filename = file.path(figures_path, plot_file_name), 
                     meta_type = meta_types$`linear-regression-plot`,
                     plot = lr,
                     width = 6,
                     height = 4)

And let’s view all the metadata files again:

new_meta <- preview_metadata_files(figures_path)
name meta_type equations notes abbreviations
theoph-pk-exposure.png linear-regression-plot N/A N/A N/A
theoph-pk-plot.png N/A N/A N/A N/A
theoph-pk-plot-mt.png conc-time-trajectories N/A N/A N/A

Generating a table for use with reportifyr

Now, let’s save out the pk_params data frame to .csv so we can include it in the report. We can pass in any argument that would be used in write.csv as well. Let’s use row.names = FALSE:

tables_path <- file.path(here::here(), "vignettes", "OUTPUTS", "tables")
outfile_name <- "theoph-pk-parameters.csv"

  file = file.path(tables_path, outfile_name),
  row.names = FALSE

Let’s also save out the Theophylline data set to include in the report. We can save this as an .RDS file, just to highlight the functionality:

data_outfile_name <- "theoph-pk-data.RDS"
save_rds_with_metadata(data, file = file.path(tables_path, data_outfile_name))

At the end, we’ve generated two figures and two tables and saved them alongside their metadata using reportifyr, allowing us to easily incorporate them into our upcoming report writing!