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This function provides an interface to assign one or more files for QC in the form of a GitHub Issue(s) within a GitHub Milestone, with options to assign a repository collaborator as the QCer and/or generate a checklist of suggested review tasks during QC.

Each Issue created corresponds to a single file assigned to be reviewed for QC. Issues are organized into Milestones as designated by the user.

To assign file(s) for QC:

  1. Input a name to create a new Milestone or select an existing Milestone.

  2. Optional: if creating a new Milestone, input a description.

  3. Optional: select one or more collaborators who will be assigned to perform the QC. The selected collaborator(s) will not be assignee(s) until explicitly assigned to one or more selected files (Step 5 below).

  4. Select one or more files from the file tree. Click the + signs to expand directories in the file tree.

  5. Optional: select an assignee for each selected file.

  6. Select a checklist type for each selected file.

  7. Post the Milestone by clicking "Assign File(s) for QC" on the bottom of the pane.

At any time, the user can:

  • Click the Preview file contents button below a selected file to view its contents.

  • Click the Preview checklist button below a selected file to view the items in a its selected checklist.


  app_name = "ghqc_assign_app",
  qc_dir = getwd(),
  lib_path = ghqc_libpath(),
  info_path = ghqc_infopath()



the name of the app to run in the background


the directory in which the app is run


the path to the ghqc package and its dependencies


the path to the ghqc configuring information